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World Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims

Sunday, 19.11.2023, honors the World Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims. Through this significant event, which commemorates the millions of people killed and seriously injured on the roads, people around the world express their sympathy for the suffering of all those affected people, their families and loved ones.

This day is dedicated to both the overall scale and individual devastation caused by road deaths and injuries, and the impact on families and communities around the world. Every day, nearly 4,000 people are killed and hundreds of thousands injured on the world's roads. Even more people have to suffer a bereavement or the consequences of injury and thus become part of the huge group of people affected by road accidents. The aim is to increase attention both to the victims of road trauma and to the work of the Emergency, Police and Fire teams who risk their own lives to save another’s.

Together, with more will and perseverance, let us join forces to achieve the goals of Vision 0, because no loss of life on the road is acceptable.

And in 2023, the initiative will go under the theme "Remember, Support, Act".

Remember those who have died, Support those who have been injured, Act for better crash response.

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