RADAR project: Production of Promotion Video

In connection with the participation of the Bulgarian Branch Association „Road Safety“ as a partner in the international project RADAR, the Association announces a procedure for recruiting а company to take over the production of promotion video.

RADAR project: Production of Promotion Video

Tender for Showcasing RADAR project’s outputs with a promotion video

ABOUT: The purpose of the promotion video is to showcase RADAR project’s work, successes, partnership and finally to showcase the main output – Danube Infrastructure Road Safety Improvement Strategy (DIRSIS) and present its development (Training courses, RSEG meetings, pilot actions). The assignment is to develop a HD promotion video with coordinated messages and development of the project brand design.

The consultant for producing a promotion video for project RADAR must:

  • Develop the video concept based on the scenario which will be developed and delivered by RADAR project Communications Manager – Nina Petrič.
  • Perform appropriate short interviews with the project partners (via video call) beneficiaries and stakeholders.
  • Work on the designer products for this consultancy, including high resolution photographs and videos.


  • Video shooting and editing.
  • Narration, translation, and subtitles in English.
  • Contributing to the script development.
  • Full usage rights for music (or music for which copyright has been granted).
  • One fully-produced clip of approximately 5 minutes in length in 1080p (HD) resolution aimed at sharing with national audience including government institutions, stakeholders, local communities as well as an international audience – if possible.

More information in the Terms of Reference for Production of Promotion Video.

Please submit proposals to nina.petric@amzs.si with the subject line: RADAR project Promotion Video. The deadline is May 28, 2021.

Read more: HERE